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Fancy a nice new wallpaper for your iPhone? Then you may like today's post. Whether you are a fan of grid backdrops, app-shelf designs or wallpapers that just scream personality, you'd be able to find one that's just right for your iPhone in this list. If you don't like restricting your apps to shelves, you can also go for smooth line-free backdrops like the ones featured near the end of the list. Unlike how it is with desktop computers, there is little space for a wallpaper to take centre stage on an iPhone due to the limited screen size.
Thus, designers have to use other ways to make wallpapers stay relevant for smartphone use. And this is what we are trying to feature in this list. Here are 40 cool and creative wallpapers you can put on your iPhone homescreen.
Icons Skins 2 – Icons Skins 2 is an iPhone app which consists of 42 best home screen backgrounds that best fit your app icons and you can clearly read all app labels with 960 x 640 retina resolutions.
Shelf Backgrounds and Wallpapers – An iPhone app with 1,000+ shelf backgrounds for your home screen. You can even customize your own home screen with 450+ glow effects, including 24+ Christmas glow effects.
Blueprint – Makes it look like we've got the actual blueprints to the first design of the iPhone interface.
Fresh Touch – A set of high-definition wallpapers which will turn your iPhone into a garden shed.
Hanging – Let's hang your iPhone apps out to dry with this funny iPhone wallpaper.
Snazzy – Snazzy wallpaper turns your iPhone home screen colorful.
Doodle Jump – Feeling like going back to school? Get this 'recycled paper' wallpaper for your iPhone.
Pirate Parrot – There's a pirate, erm… a parrot, erm.. a Pirate Parrot on my iPhone homescreen!
Pencils – Another back-to-school feel on your iPhone. Pencils anyone?
Fire And Metal – She may Set Fire to the Rain, but I'm setting fire to my iPhone with this cool wallpaper, complete with oil stains.
Screws & Bricks – Back to the garage.
Screws & Wood – What about screws and wood? Yes we have it too.
Liege – Notes anyone? This wallpaper turns some of your app icons into sticky notes, just don't try to pull it out.
Kitsch – Picture perfect iPhone wallpaper for the ladies.
Dota 2 – Lets get the DotA feel right there on your iPhone homescreen.
Fabric – Get Fabric, the simple wallpaper with a fabric feel for your iPhone homescreen.
TRON – TRON adds the blue neon border to your app icons.
TRON – Light Bikes – Like TRON? Here's another one with Light Bikes!
Neon Arrows – It's almost like a Live Wallpaper without the battery-draining bit.
Nano Tubes – This wallpaper invades your homescreen with microscopic tubes to house your app icons.
Grid – Grid adds numbers to your app icon box, makes it look elegant.
Zelda – Get Zelda on your phone. Not the game, the homescreen wallpaper!
Pac-Man – It's Pac-Man running around on your homescreen!
Donkey Kong – Remember Donkey Kong? Yes, now it can be a wallpaper for your iPhone. Sweet?
Dig Dug – Lets add another old-time favorite game to the home screen, Dig Dug!
Super Mario Brothers – Half expecting to see Mario jump around in the screen anytime now.
Christmas – Is anyone hearing jingle bells in the background when they see this?
Red Couch – Mood lighting and red leather couch, like 'the stars' green room.
Cooliog – Cooliog adds lighting to your app icon area.
Pirate – Rather than rum and beer on these shelves, they house apps instead. .
Wood Shelves – A sturdy wood shelf for 'heavier' apps. Get it?
Spargetts Shelves – If Plastic and Metal is too mainstream for you, why not go back to nature with some awesome wood work?
Splash – For the iPhone owners who want some colours in their devices and don't mind a mess!
The Toolbox HD – Love red? The Toolbox HD has bright red shelves to leave your apps on.
Shelf – Red too hot for you? Then go for this wintry white app-shelf wallpaper instead.
4Shelves Wall – Here's an interesting trophycase app shelf that you would love to put on your homescreen. You may even feel like leaving a row empty just to show the effect.
Rows – The lines are subtle but they are not app-containing, and you'd hardly notice that they are there.
Bookworm – Prefer a leathery backdrop for your iPhone 4? Try this wallpaper, designed by Kyle Gray for the iPhone 4 homescreen.
iPhone 4 Texture Wallpaper – The iPhone 4 Texture wallpaper consists of brown, grey, brown without lines and grey without line backdrops.
Grungy Walls – Grungy Walls gives your iPhone a heavy metal feel. It works with all iDevices.
For more wallpapers, check out our range of free wallpapers released on the site.
Related posts:
- Adobe Creative Suite Toolbar Shortcut Wallpapers [Exclusive]
- 10 Useful Apps to Recover a Lost or Stolen iPhone
- [Christmas Freebie] More Christmas Wallpapers
- 20 Useful iPhone Apps for Developers & Designers
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