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By Andrew Liszewski
This isn't the first slick iPhone concept we've brought you from Les Editions Volumique, a Paris-based publishing house that focuses on using the paper book as a unique computer platform. Their (i)Pawn concept let you use the iPhone as a game board, complete with physical playing pieces. But this time around it's the iPhone that serves as the playing piece, interacting with a physical game board.
(i)Pirates has you taking a pirate ship around a fairly large fold-out game board (it looks like you'll need an entire kitchen table to play it) by placing your iPhone onto different sections of the board which are then displayed on screen, complete with your ship and various other animated elements. I'm assuming the iPhone's camera is used to detect what section of the board it's actually been placed on, and while their website is pretty vague on how you actually go about playing the game, or interact with other players, the concept does appear to have some unique potential.
[ Les Editions Volumiques - (i)Pirates ]
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